Hi, I'm James

Software developer, composer, music producer.

About Me

I am a software engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I started coding in C during high school. I graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. After spending some time as a developer, I worked as a professional investor focused on the technology industry. Recently I decided to return to my roots as an engineer. I enjoy focusing intently on solving coding problems and get great satisfaction from building tangible products. Based on my background, I believe I can bring a unique perspective to the development teams with whom I work.

I am also passionate about music, music technology, and music production. One of my goals is to create and share more music with the world, as well as help other artists achieve their visions.

Software Development

I focus on the JavaScript ecosystem with a specialization in React, but am also excited to pick up new technologies.

Visit my Github or AngelList profiles for a peek into my work.


  • JavaScript
  • React
  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB/Mongoose
  • MySQL/Sequelize
  • Mocha/Chai
  • AJAX
  • jQuery


Here are some of my releases under various pseudonyms.